Golden Rules of DotA

1) Try to pawn if possible, otherwise stay away from feeding.

2) Heroes with high aspd will usually own in the late game, especially with bash.

3) Do not forget to get an orb-effect for your hero if you doesn't have one. The best late game orb-effect is lifesteal.

4) Lifesteal overrides everything for melee, you can get 2 orb effect for range, conditionally.

5) Do not be selfish, get your team observer wards even if they refuse to buy, of course, only if you play l3g1t.

6) Burize is definately a wiser choice in late game since criticial gives you extra lifesteal, whilst Mkb doesn't.

7) Best orb effect for image heroes is always Mana Burn because that's the only orb effect that works for images.

8) High HP doesn't always ensure high survivability. What ensures surivability is EHP (Effective Hit Points). Heroes with 3k hp but 0 armor is like heroes with 1.5k hp. Armor does matter, alot.

9) Try to get defensive item in early game, Vanguard otherwise Stout Shield, or Hood if facing heavy nuker. Rushing for Sacred Relic for your first item isn't a wise choice.

10) Dota is a team game.

Update 1

11) Do not waste a single second, to get 50 gold, you need wait for 50 seconds. Killing a creep/neutrals gives you 50 seconds extra. Keep that in mind.

That's all I could think of now. Will add more when I thought of it. Feel free to comment. Cheers.


  1. you forgot to add : dont be a loser and quit xD

  2. HEy pudge !!! Man help me plz !!!
    I downloaded fucking original GARENA to play tournament. than i closed it than i opened pudgev5 it says "SOME FILES MISSING" than i formatted original GARENA and downloaded pudgev5 than it asked for update !!! and its again saying FILES MISSING

  3. Lol download update 7th/8thMay Bypass and extract and replace into file pudge666 wer u locate it.

  4. i cant think of it but...
    why is pudge666 making updates on the crack anyways?
    the OLD version ALWAYS worked for me 100% ( no DLLs needed ) and i mean WAY old.. prolly his first or second etc. release


  6. nice and the first reply is to be added

  7. Hey!.. New update today..
    Update the pudge666 plzz..

  8. FUCKNG HELL!!!!!! THERe's NOTHING working I downloaded PUdge crack5.0 stil doesnt work, i dld ccq's doesnt work, i dld rhy's crack and guess what It DOESNT WORK!!!!!. i got 14 cracks ang all of them doesnt work! shit can some body help me All of your fuckng crack doesnt work!

  9. theres a new patch for garena 17 or 18 May
    so it says some files are mising Can some 1 tell meh what to do?

  10. just w8 for the update..
    pudge666 update i mean

  11. thx god!pudge please update!!

  12. o_O
    i think im the only one using the old crack....

  13. pudge v5.0 works fine with me up to now.. no joke

  14. no..
    even the first three cracks work

    if u dont beleive me then im not asking you to...

  15. copy the update.xml from the garena hakc 2.3, the update.xml there is different as compared to bypass. you no longer have a problem when u used this file since the content of this is very different as compared to bypass..a simple html code without specifying the files that needs an update.. hope this would help...


fuck spam don't spam fck !